- Start Zenmap
- Instructions:
- zenmap
- Perform a quick scan by doing the following:
- Replace with Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2's IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 6).
- Instructions:
- Target:
- Profile: Select Quick Scan
- Click the Scan Button.
- Output Analysis
- Nmap's quick scan displays the following basic network metrics:
- If the host is up.
- How many ports are closed.
- Which ports are open and their service name.
- e.g., 21 (ftp)
- Also, the MAC address is display with Nmap's guess of the OS being VMware.
- Nmap's quick scan displays the following basic network metrics:
Zenmap Intense Scan |
- Perform Intense Scan
- Replace with Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 6).
- Instructions:
- Target:
- Profile: Select Intense Scan
- Click the Scan Button.
- Version Analysis
- Notice the results are more verbose.
- The actual version of the service was added to service name.
- You can use this information to investigate possible exploits.
- For Example, Microsofts ISS http 5.1 webserver.
Section 7. Nmap Network Scan |
- Subnet Ping Scan
- Obtained the subnet mask of your Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 from (Section 3, Step 6).
- Instructions:
- Change Target to the subnet address of Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2.
- In my case,
- Notice, that I replaced the last octet of my IP address with a 0.
- The /24 represents the subnet mask.
- Change Profile to: Ping Scan
- Click Scan
- Change Target to the subnet address of Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2.
- Topology Analysis
- Instructions:
- Click on the Topology Tab.
- Click on Fisheye
- Click on Controls
- This will allow you to increase the size of the network rings.
- Click on the Zoom Arrow
- Note(FYI):
- This will give you a visual representation of how your network is laid out.
- When presenting a customer or management with a penetration testing analysis, this would be a good picture to throw into the report
- Instructions:
Performing NMAP Scans |
- Perform Quick NMAP Scan
- Instructions(FYI):
- Replace with Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 6)
- Instructions:
- nmap -T4 -F | tee /var/tmp/nmap.quick.txt
- nmap - is the NMAP scanner.
- | tee /var/tmp/nmap.quick.txt - View output and sent it to file nmap.quick.txt.
- nmap -T4 -F | tee /var/tmp/nmap.quick.txt
- Instructions(FYI):
- Perform Intense NMAP Scan
- Instructions(FYI):
- Replace with Damn Vulnerable WXP-SP2 IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 6)
- Instructions:
- nmap -p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v | tee /var/tmp/nmap.intense.txt
- nmap - is the NMAP scanner.
- | tee /var/tmp/nmap.intense.txt - View output and sent it to file nmap.intense.txt.
- nmap -p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v | tee /var/tmp/nmap.intense.txt
- Instructions(FYI):
Proof of Lab |
- Proof of Lab
- Proof Of Lab Instructions:
- Do a PrtScn of the below commands
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle
- Instructions
- ls -l /var/tmp/nmap*
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Put in your actual name in place of "Your Name"
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
- Proof Of Lab Instructions:
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